Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 4, 2009

Los Angeles & Grandpa - The 2nd time!

LA from the air!!! Mom took these pics on the second time she came to LA. Mom loves LA because this is the place to give her the best memory. The first time she arriaved to LA was in the evening. LA at that time was as a Light carpet. Mom was so thrilled with this. She could not forget her felling at that time. This second time, she was more familiar & took some pictures for this.

Grandpa - this is the second time Mom met him again in the US. at the first time, Mom went there with Dad. Dad drove Mom from Santa Barbara to Grandpa's house. It''s a small & untidy house. Grandpa & Uncle were living in a small room with only two small beds. Mom was astonished at first sight to see how Grandpa lived. Ten year since Mom & Grandpa could see each other. Mom still remember just before she came there, she made a call to Grandpa & said that it would take her 2 hours to drive there. The Uncle said that just when Grandpa hung up the phone, he had been sitting down in front of the house to wait for her. Grandpa loves Mom so much and he was so much thrilled to seeing her again. Mom & Grandpa just could hold each other so tight at first, no one could speak anything. It was so much touched & they even cried also. Grandpa rent that room to stay with Uncle. The host family is nice. They see Grandpa as their papa. Mom was staying the house for one night as well. The second time when Mom arrived to the airport, the Uncle came & pick her up. The morning after, Mom went back to the airport by taxi at about 5am. Mom still could not forget that time either.

Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 4, 2009

Pics Mom in Hollywood & Universal

In front of the Universial Studio
In the area of Universial, Mom was taken pic with the Hilton Hotel.

Cho nay me chup in front of the Jurassic park Studio. Khi vo trong town nay la tro choi truot nuoc bang tau. Giong nhu tro tau vuot thac o Vn minh. Me ngoi tren chiec tau vuot thac di qua cong vien khung long. Co rat nhieu khung long lon nho xung quanh. Canh tri nhu trong phim Cong vien ky Jurassic vay. Toan bo cac khung long deu bang may nhung trong cu y nhu that vi day la phim truong dung de dong phim nay ma. Tau vuot thac di qua cac dong suoi rat la dep. Me nhin thay co cap khung long bo me & con khung long dang chui tu vo trung ra. Me rat la thich thu!
Pic nay me chup truoc town Xac uop Ai cap. Di vo town nay la di "the Ride'' nhu tau luong sieu toc cua VN. Canh tri cu nhu trong phim Xac uop Ai cap. Trong the Ride toi om om, me con nho luc tau dang len cao chuan bi do? xuong thi me nhin thay tren mang hinh co mieng cua ong Vua bo cap ngoac ra, me kip hoang hon thi tau luong da chui thang vao mieng cua ong roi. Me la qua choi luon nhung o do ai cung la het nen tieng cua me la ko xi nhe^ gi ca. Trong tat ca cac town thi the Ride nay co nhieu nguoi dung cho di dong nhat vi ai cung thich di tau luong sieu toc ma. Boi vay doan nguoi cho di tau xep hagn rong ran rat la dai nhung ai cung lich su het. Ko co chen lan, ko co chui bay nhu o Vn. Nguoi nao xep hang truoc di truoc, xep hang sau di sau, ko co canh chen ngang nhu o VN. Me rat la an tuong voi cung cach lich su cua moi nguoi nhu vay. me van muon di the Ride lan nua nhung ngai xep hang lau qua nen me chi di 1 lan thoi.
Hinh tren la me chup voi con Kingkong. Con Kingkong nay la dung de dong phim Kingkong noi tieng do. Dong phim xong nguoi ta show Kingkong ra ngoai de moi nguoi tha ho chup hinh. Nhin tren phim thi thay dep nhung khi ra ngoai me nhin thay me hon on'' on vi no den thui muh lai to oi la to nua. Me chi dam dugn xa xa de chup hinh thoii.
Hinh ke la truoc town Shrek. Trong town nay chieu phim 4D, moi nguoi deu mang kinh de xem. Me nho nhat la luc chu lua Dolly sneeze mui tu nhien nuoc o dau vang ra tum lum lam moi nguoi cuoi qua chung. Cam giac xem phim nhu duoc ngoi tren xe cua Shrek chay xoc'' qua chung luon. Nhung rat la fun. Luc me xem phim 4D nay la me chua co coi qua phim Shrek nen me cung chua hieu may'. Sau nay me xem Shrek roi me rat thich anh chang Shreck to beo nhung tot bung do.
Day la khan dai de xem nguoi ta dien lai canh trong phim Thuy gioi. Rat la an tuong. Thuc ra canh nay me co xem qua o Thailand roi nhung o My nay thi hoanh trang hon. Moi dien vien dong chuyen nghiep & soi dong hon. Me xem vay nhung me ko thich lam.

Con day la cac cong trinh dong phim long vong trong studio ma me duoc ngoi tren xe rail cho di xem. Noi hai chiec oto nay la trinh dien oto doc dao. Me nghi ho co nguyen bo khung dieu khien o phia duoi de dieu khien xe thuc hien cac dong tac nhu chao khan gia, tao tieng dong... Me cung rat an tuong voi man bieu dien nay. Ngoai ra me co di ngang khu pho ma nguoi ta xay dung chi de dong 1 bo phim duy nhat. Ho xay dung cu y nhu la khu pho that nhung thuc te chang co ai o trong do. Toan bo chat lieu xay nha, mau son, con duong, den duong, le duong.. deu la that het. Me co duoc show 1 khu nha "5 trong 1". Anh tour guide noi do la khu nha duy nhat duoc dung de dong 5 bo phim khac nhau. Moi bo phim quay o moi goc canh khac nhau. Me xem xong me phai rat kham phuc tai bien hoa cua cac designer, cac dao dien phim & cac nha quay phim. Tren xe rail nguoi ta cung co chieu luot qua cac phim do nua. Cu moi lan di den dau thi co anh tour guide giai thich & dong thoi ho chieu phim do de minh hoa cho khung canh dang xem. Rat la thu vi!!!

Tren la nhung pics Mom chup o Phim truong Universial Studio o Hollywood. Luc nay Mom di business trip o CA vao thang 6/2006. Mom di voi a group of summer camp students. O phim truong Universial rat la lon''. Phim truong giong nhu 1 city trong do co nhieu town nho. Moi town la mot cong trinh cho mot bo phim. Mom gnoi tren chiec rail chay vong quanh phim truong de xem cac ""town"" nay. Very impressed! Universial Studio da tung lam cac phim rat noi tieng nhu Kingkong, Xac uop Ai Cap (The Mummy), Thuy gioi (Underworld), Shreck (day la phim cartoon me rat thich xem), Cong vien ky Jurassic (Jurassic Park), Peter Pan (trong twon cua Peter Pan, me ko chup hinh lai nhung rat la dep. Me ngoi tren chiec thuyen bay & bay vao xu so than tien cua Peter Pan. Rat de thuong, rat dep & khung canh cu nhu trong mo vay).

Day la cac pic Mom chup o bien Santa Monica. Tren duong tu Santa Barbara len LA, xe co ghe qua bien Santa Monica cho moi nguoi choi. Bien rat la dep nhung ko ai trong doan tam ca vi xe chi stop by thoi. Me tranh thu chup may tam hinh de lam ky niem. Xem me tuoi tan chua kiaaaaaa

Tren la cac hinh me chup o Hollywood tren Fame Boulevard. Me rat hao huc chup nhung tam nay vi day la lan dau tien me duoc den Hollywood. Me phai tra 1USD de chup hinh voi cac nhan vat trong film nhu Batman, Star War... Me chup nhung hinh la de cho cau Hieu con ong Tu xem. Cau Hieu luc do rat thich Batman voi lai robot. Lan dau tien den Hollywood, cam giac cua me vo cung vui suong. Mac du chi di long vong de xem duong pho vay thoi chu o day ko co gi dac biet ca nhung vi la lan dau tien me duoc dat chan den Hollywood nen me happy vo cung.

Streets in LA
In the park of Santa Barbara - abeautifull city where Michael Jackson has a villa up on hill. Santa Barbar is a beach city, sunny & friendly. Mom stayed in a homestay that gave her so many things to remember. The lost cheaster, Anna, Tom, Bruck, Tom''s friend (the lady). Those are kind people and Mom will never forget them.

Disneyland Parade - Mom came to Disneyland on Disneyland 50 years Aniversary. They have the parade every afternoon to show of most of the famoust characteristics in Disney films as Beauty & the Beast, The Lion King, Alice in the Wonderland, Snow and 7 Dwarf.... Mom tried to stand as much close as she could to take those pitures. There were so many but Mom just could only those pics. Enjoy!!!

These are the very first pics Mom took just when she arraived in the US. She stayed in the Crown Plaza Hotel. A nice hotel near to LA Airport. The feeling of this stage that Mom was really excited & happy for the first time to be in the US. Mom have departed from LA to Santa Barbara by bus. The bus driver really liked at that time. He even handed mom his phone No. & hoped that mom would call back. BUT Mom never called him back as Mom has Dad already. Anyway, he is a nice guy & Mom still remember him thought.
Mom came to Santa Barbar & dad flied there with her. They both stayed in Santa Barbara Inn. They were so much happy at that time. Dad took Mom to a seafood restaurant & Mom had the very first time the US crab. Dad also brought a package of Boston lobster for Mom. She would never forgot the best time she ever had in Santa Barbara with Dad. Mom even took a Disney bus from SB to LA airport to pick-up Dad. Both of them were so happy at that time. Dad stayed there for about 5 days. Dad told Mom that he was jealous when he saw Mom to stay in Tom''s house. HEHHE. Dad jealous. Kekek. Just when Dad said that, Mom was so happy deep inside. Dad loves Mom so much eh?